Hope Jar, The (Prayer Jars Series, 1)

Author: Brunstetter, Wanda E.

Category:     AFSer
Genre: Amish - Romance - Bonnet Fiction
ISBN-13:     9781624167478
ISBN-10:     1624167470
Series:    Prayer Jars Series
Publish Date:     2018/08/01
Publisher:     Barbour Publishing
Format/Binding:     Paperback
Retail Price:     15.99
ID Price:     12.79

A Brand-New Series from New York Times Best Selling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter.
What happens when making an elderly Amish couple very happy means going along with a lie that gets bigger by the day?

Michelle Taylor is not who her new family in Lancaster County believes her to be. The Lapps were looking for their long-lost granddaughter when they met Michelle and she assumed the identity of Sara Murray. Once homeless and hopeless, Michelle has come to love her new Amish friends and even considers the idea of romance among them.

Finding an old blue jar in the barn that is filled with slips of paper containing thoughts, quotes, and prayers by an unknown author becomes a boost to Michelle's budding faith-- but also convicting. How can she tell the truth without hurting the ones she has truly come to love?

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Book Description

What happens when making an elderly Amish couple very happy means going along with a lie that gets bigger by the day? Michelle is not who her new family believes her to be, but how can she tell the truth without hurting the ones she has come to truly love?
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