Forgotten Power: Byzantium: Bulwark of Christianity

Author: Kean, Roger Michael

Category:     ANF
Genre: Early history: c 500 to c 1450/1500
ISBN-13:     9781902886077
ISBN-10:     1902886070
Publish Date:     2005/01/01
Publisher:     Thalamus Publishing
Format/Binding:     Hardcover
Retail Price:     39.95
ID Price:     31.96

The period of Byzantine power is one of the major epochs in world history. This empire, controlled by the extraordinary metropolis of Constantinople, was for many centuries the centre of Christendom, the mistress of the Mediterranean, and the symbol for all the rest of the world of splendour, wealth and cultural ascendancy. The Byzantine period spans from the ancient classical world of the Roman empire until the dawn of the Renaissance, and throughout the medieval era remained a source of constancy. However, the empire's history is one of constant upheaval, glittering emperors who ranged from the brilliant to the completely mad, and a hotbed of theological controversy. From the politics to art, and military action to the lives of ordinary citizens, Forgotten Power ? Byzantium ? Bulwark of Christianity brings this fascinating story into brilliant focus and reminds us of how much the subsequent events of European and Middle-Eastern history owe to Byzantium's influence.
  • Underpins the social, economic, and religious trends that sustained an empire for 800 years
  • Over 70 colour maps help to untangle the rapidly changing state of Byzantine fortunes
  • Tremendous historical detail presented in a lively and entertainingly narrative text
  • Contemporary pictures bring the events to life
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