Fault Lines [Hardcover]

Author: Locke, Thomas

Category:  AFSgl
Item Number:  9780800724382
ISBN-13: 0800724380
Publication Date:  2017/08/01
Format/Binding:  Hardcover
Publisher:  Baker Publishing Group
Retail Price:  22.99
ID Price:  18.39

Security expert Charlie Hazard is rarely thrown off balance until he meets an experimental psychologist who convinces him to join her research team on a thrill ride that will test him to the limit--and leave him wondering if any of them will survive. As a security expert, Charlie Hazard is all about taking control of the situation. But when the stunning Dr. Gabriella Speciale draws him into a secret psychological project, risk parameters are shattered. Every move brings him to the edge of one fault line after another, and Charlie struggles to stay clear of a maelstrom of entangled dangers. The research team abandons the lab on the Florida coast and flees to a mountain refuge in Italy. The battles in Charlie's mind are overtaken by real life attacks. He must grapple with the daunting realization that a conspiracy is taking hold on both internal and external levels. Can Gabriella be trusted, or is she just part of the scheme? Leave behind your assumptions about the way the world works, and race along the unknown corridors of human consciousness in Fault Lines.