Fun Formula, The: How Curiosity, Risk-Taking, and Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work [Hardcover]

Author: Comm, Joel

Category:  ANF
Item Number:  9781400201945
ISBN-13: 1400201942
Publication Date:  2018/06/05
Format/Binding:  Hardcover
Publisher:  HarperCollins Publishers
Retail Price:  22.99
ID Price:  18.39

The Fun Formula: How Curiosity, Risk-Taking, and Serendipity Can Revolutionize How You Work by Joel Comm

New York Times bestselling author and social media entrepreneur Joel Comm reveals the secret to finding success in business: the pursuit of pleasure.

The demands of work and the fast-moving pace of technology wear heavily on employees and entrepreneurs alike. The hustle and grind lifestyle that most of us have bought into is simply unsustainable, leading to physical ailments, emotional burnout, and a darkness in the soul. Joel Comm has found a better way. In The Fun Formula, Comm demonstrates that the best path to success--in work and in life--is to focus on our passions, curiosity, and the things that bring us great pleasure. Doing so not only leads to more dramatic results, but to a more fulfilling life. Through stories and anecdotes from Comm's life and those of others, famous and not, The Fun Formula reveals how subtle changes in our thinking and routine can enable us to design the life we truly desire: one of significance and joy.